Events & Fundraisers


It is my hope at some point in the future to be attending vending events and art festivals with my jewelry.  There are currently no events scheduled at this time, but all events I attend will be posted here when applicable.  If you are interested in following my activities, please check back now and then to see what is going on or subscribe to my blogs for updates.


Persephone's Place does participate in local fundraisers when possible.  To date I have offered gift certificates, donations and items for raffles and fundraisers to the following organizations (most of which are located in Nevada County, California):

Scooters Pals (Dog Rescue and Shelter)
Ophir Hill Fire Department Crab Feed & Raffle
Nevada Union High School Basket Ball Boosters Club
Defenders of Wildlife
Seven Hills Elementary School Christmas Craft Fair
CATS (Community Asian Theater)
AFHR American Federation of Human Rights Co-Masonry/ Hiram Lodge (Santa Cruz, CA)
Nanish Shonti (Inter-tribal, Inter-racial Native Guided Community)
Sammies Friends (Animal Rescue and Shelter)
Tall Pines Nursery School
Camptonville Fire Station Building Fund
Magnolia Elementary School

If you are putting on a fundraiser and are interested in contacting me for your good cause, please email me at to discuss your event with me. 

I have never participated directly in out of town fundraising events with the exception of AFHR where I hold a membership, and also Nanish Shonti, where I have been personally acquainted with the founders of the organization.   If you are not local to my area I am open to supporting your cause, if you can provide me with valid information about your organization, (so that I may research it), and the appropriate contact information for your event coordinators.

I reserve the right to refuse to participate in or support any events that I feel are not in accordance with my personal, ethical or moral philosophy.