Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project Photograph: Jones Bar Loop

Welcome to self employment.  It's tax time.  I procrastinated for days. And some more days.  Finally yesterday (Saturday) I spent my entire day off, sitting at my desk looking at little tiny black boxes and putting numbers in them.  I wondered how on earth accountants can do this all day long without going completely insane.  It took me a soda, a candy bar and a few triscuits to get through that monumental task.  Finally hours later I was victorious. My taxes were finally done and ready to ship off to my accountant for filing.

After the taxes were done, I had to finish making a custom order of earrings for a client.  So Saturday was filled with all kinds of "shoulds" and "have to's".  

Today (Sunday) as a reward for all of my hard work, I was able to go hiking again with my husband in a guilt / stress free state of mind.   I packed up the jewelry carrier for it's second adventure.  We dropped off my stepson with his mother at the river and then we wandered on down the Jones Bar path looking for some other ideal sites to photograph my jewelry.

It was a very lazy and quiet hike for the most part.  The weather was a little cooler, rain was on it's way.  The path this time was a great deal more wooded, running along the South Fork of the Yuba River. 

We found a lovely section of mossy rocks running up a small canyon that I decided to play with for a while.  My husband sat and waited.  I think he was getting his best Buddhist mood on this afternoon, and he quietly contemplated the surroundings while I wandered up the moss covered stones.  I found some absolutely brilliant spots to photograph, the only problem with most of them is that they just don't accommodate the jewelry without the jewelry sliding right off.   So I passed up many interesting possibilities in search of something that was not only fabulous but practical.

This is another set of earrings from the "Native Nights" collection.  The "collection" referrs to the color schemes.   This style is called the "short dangle".  It is one of my most popular style of earrings at least for my local clients.  It is short, light weight and fairly versatile.  Depending on the colors in the earring, you can easily dress it up or down.  I sell a lot of these to some of my older and more conservative clients at the chiropractic clinic.  A lot of my longer and more elaborate earrings usually sell online to a very different audience.  This earring however, is for the lady who socializes in a conservative crowd but still wants something "fun" and "a little different" but that still will not draw too much undo attention.  I have a Jehovah Witness client that has purchased several of these from me.  She really loves some of the more elaborate ones, but she feels the pressure of her peers very acutely, and worries about the judgement she may get from some of her other church associates.  This earring satisfies her need for something fun, while still being able to stay within the more modest social lines she feels have been drawn for her.   This is also a very practical earring that goes well with everyday casual clothes and short hair styles.

After I finished with my mossy rocks, and my husband finished with his zen meditation, off we went to find the pools down at "Rush Creek", which is an enchanted little spot that is also wheelchair accessible.   I love this little area and every time we are down there I tell my husband that I have to get my water fountain fixed at home, so that I can listen to the sound of running water in the living room when I'm doing my bead work.   The falls at Rush Creek are fabulous to listen to.  When you are in the mood there is also some easy to moderately difficult rock climbing one can do around the pools. If you want to take the extra effort to risk the possibility of getting a little wet and testing your rock climbing abilities you can get even more fantastic views of the area and hop around some of the falls and find new and secret little hidden pools. 

As we walked down the old mining flumes which have been very well maintained to date,  it was obvious, judging by the copious water on the boards, that someones dog had very recently had a wonderful time playing in the pools.

We got down to the waters edge and set up "base camp"... took off our packs and after a little cracker and cheese snack, off my husband went about his rock climbing business and I began searching for picture sites.

After a bit of rock hopping into the middle of the creek I was able to get this nice little photo.  I found another little mossy rock to hang a pair of earrings off of.  I had to be careful not to disturb the little spider that lived there in order to get the picture.  It was so tiny I almost didn't even see it at first. I have no idea what kind of spider it was, but I'm sure it wasn't very happy I had invaded it's space.   The picture, even though I used it on my etsy store, didn't come out quite as wonderful as I had hoped so I'm not going to post it here.  The thing about photography is that out of twenty pictures you'll be lucky to get one or two that you are actually happy with at the end of the day. 

The temperature began to drop. We usually get hungry after our adventures, so we decided that it was time to beat the rainstorm back to the truck instead of hiking the entire four mile loop, and consider the idea of pizza for dinner.  


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